The University of Wyoming is a public institution which mandates transparency, a condition that both the upper Administration and the Trustees accepted when they assumed their respective positions. In times of crisis, such as this, it is incumbent upon both to not only act, but they must also be SEEN to be acting. Failure on either account is not only inexcusable, but it is also tantamount to a severe dereliction of their duties that cannot be overlooked.

As most graduates of the of the College of Health Science (CHS) know, when someone presents in an emergency room hemorrhaging, delays and inefficiencies result in death - an irreversible condition. Here, one division within the CHS that has lost over a third of their workforce, an easily identifiable hemorrhage. Despite this fact, the Trustees and upper Administration have done nothing transparently to demonstrate to the students, staff, faculty, and public at large that they are fulfilling their duties to act and preserve a vital state institution that is under a colossal threat from the CHS Dean’s inept leadership and vindictive nature. If the Trustees and Upper Administration continue down this path, and refuse to take public action, there is no choice but for the whole University, the public, and government to declare No Confidence in them and have them removed!

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With this kind of leadership, up & down the chain, no wonder the University is losing students. The directors inclination towards secrecy and the Provost inclination towards silencing is but an indication that the UW itself is ill.

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