Remember Sports Locker (and its 100+ parking spots) that STILL went out of business. - - - But lets keep caving to the downtown business owners who were happy to set up shop there, despite limited spaces.

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You have a good point there.

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Nicely done as I think it expresses all issues rationally.  Having the graphic also helps.  I understand the votes as well.  I am kind of flabbergasted about the visceral response against this proposal.  The impacted footprint is in the perfect spot to make Laramie a more vibrant and thriving community.  

 I actually love the cold opening of this proposal as it is perfect and perfectly placed.  The people against have concerns that could be addressed easily as part of the negotiation concerning the conditions of the release.   

Remember this is a rival of "historic" downtown as this parking lot was once filled with buildings that the city fathers and building owners thought would be more profitable to both to pave over these "historic" structures.  That history should tell you how pessimistic and desperate the owner and the city were when that deal was struck.  I have explanations on why America thought downtowns had no future and they are now shocked that perception was false.

If I were the Enlightened Despot of Laradise I would approve of this proposal as long as they met my none self serving conditions.  

You know what else I love about this issue is that Laramie already solved its gravel pit problem (Pilot HIll anyone) and now we are working on this noble quest. 

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Easy... Bolton st parking is a great lot but close to the tracks! Perfect sub prime property for low income apts built above a three story parking garage for public and tenants.

Low income housing can be established in many ways that don't require using public funds besides starting the project!

Many communities have done this with success ... it's possible if money is not the primary reason for the builder/ project !

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