I doubt ms McCoy could discuss any subject for hours, especially DEI, without repeating herself all together.

Intentional misrepresenting and twisting facts is not a position of strength to argue something other than being plain and simple in the education of our children.

History is based on facts in evidence, changeable when new factual information arises, not when someone wants a new agenda to please their particular belief system.

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Nowhere in the U.S are teachers singling out white children and firmly placing the blame on them for chattel slavery, that would be absurd. These classes provide valuable historical knowledge on how race drove discrimination and oppression. To say our Constitution or other founding documents intend on treating citizens equally has been laughable when analyzing our history. But that’s the point.

For some reason, removing confederate monuments is erasing history but trying to reduce or eliminate discussions of racism or white supremacy, which absolutely drove American chattel slavery and all of the segregation policies, is totally acceptable.

Banning huge historical truths to cover for hurt feelings is fascism, as is banning books. We all knew the Freedom Caucus would go this route, but it’s horrifying to watch in real time.

To be clear, DEI is not preferential hiring of candidates with no merit to hold that position, nor is it blaming some 9 year old child in a classroom for the sordid history of the U.S. DEI helps spur critical conversations around racism, bias and discrimination past and present. These critical looks into our society and life around us are the one of the high points of education, providing the ability to critically examine the world and properly conduct research to better understandstand it.

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