I really have no respect for Laramie, for the Laramie Police Department or for the Laramie Municipal Court (including city prosecutors and judges): not after I was framed in a false police report in retaliation for my ending the career of a DCI terrorist who was threatening a Warren AFB family- after he had threatened me anonymously on the phone for opposing a concealed weapons bill pending in the Wyoming house. The LPD police report said I threw a cup of hot coffee in the face of a woman who had just tried to drive me off Snowy Range Road as her criminal (Arizona) boyfriend made a video. In court, the lying LPD cop was counseling the woman and when I (sitting the back of city court) objected spoke up the greasy liar threatened physical violence, removing me from the court . A dental technician in Laramie told me her LPD husband was seeing first hand the corrupt manipulation of test scores by LPD Chief Stalder (so he could keep favored cops under his thumb; the cop who had filed false report about me had left Laramie. In September, 2009, my car was attacked on the summit of I-80 (for murderous PIT maneuver) by DCI porn cop Robert Leazenby who told me that his (illegal in Wyoming) unmarked car "stop" was "something we can do to you any time we like." That lousy cop was once an Albany County deputy and I believe he was fired for tampering with evidence . Wyoming is the #1 state in USA for guns per-capita and the (always top 5) sickest in the nation for suicide, mental illness and industrial accidents. People in Wyoming don't have to think clearly. They just "do the right thing?" Ha! This article is about the matter of arming Laramie cops with a new level of paramilitary firepower. Behind this emphasis, state-wide is probably the "emeritus" voice of fired DCI Deputy Director Kebin Haller (who- after I ended his career at DCI- was promoted by paramilitary .50 cal sniper rifle Governor Mead to running the highway patrol so Haller would both get high retirement AND be able to corrupt the culture of every police department in the state! I suggest journalists ask who was paid off for this up-arming; and are the old guns going to be destroyed? NO! They're going to be resold into a criminal market of second hand semi-auto AR15s!

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PS, after the "coffee" woman tried to drive me off the road, I threw coffee at HER CAR at the stop light. This was witnessed- but not included in police report. Every cop in SE Wyoming wanted revenge. You know, "Thin Blue Line".

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One of my favorite questions to ask people I meet, especially older ones, is "Were more police officers killed under the 8 years of  Barack Obama or the 8 years of Ronald Reagan?"

The deaths of police officers has dropped significantly since the crime-ridden 70-90s time frame; however, most citizens refuse to believe things have gotten much safer across America.  What the data screams to me is that the tactics used to address domestic violence calls needs addressing as the rise in murders during the pandemic was not marauding gangs like Chris Wray the head of the FBI would have one believe, but due to 8 million new guns going into users hands as a pandemic drove families to kill each other.

SOCIETY is not getting more violent, but society has pushed Americans into selecting the worst possible stimulant in the world Meth, which makes individual users far more violent than they would be if they were selecting another stimulant like Cocaine.  Hamas fighters were trained to hate, rape and murder using a Meth like derivative, but we US citizens are not connecting those dots, instead we are buying fear and arming up.

 Old Bob Sell and Bury have not parsed the data accurately but hey its America where discussion of drug interactions that result in a more violent citizen are not considered.  However, in Australia, one can find this nuanced discussion from engineers studying the drug habits of its citizens through waste water treatment analysis. (https://www.acic.gov.au/sites/default/files/202403/Wastewater%2021%20FOR%20WEB2.PDF)

"The 1.5 tonne increase in national methylamphetamine consumption is concerning, because of the significant community harms it causes."

America has been far behind in discussing the drivers of violence and what is the best way to respond and the police oversight board seems to prove that Laramie will buy into fear instead of discussing reality.

173 more officers were killed under Ronald Reagan's tenure than Barak's tenure and America's response was to militarize the police workforce and equipment, driving up operational costs while doing little to address the root causes of violence and police ineffectiveness.

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>"While LPD has not killed anyone..."

For anyone confused at this clause, thinking of Robbie Ramirez, some reading reveals he was killed by a then-member of the Albany County Sheriff's Department, which is a separate entity from the Laramie Police Department. I was scratching my head for a bit myself until I went and looked it up. Cheers.

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