Admit it, Jeff: You've written not just one but three articles attempting to skewer Paul Montoya because of your political biases: you oppose him for City Council.

None of us knows whether Paul is innocent or guilty, and in our system of justice he is innocent UNTIL proven guilty. And there are many things about your account that don't ring true. For example, you say that WPR's transmitters were disabled from an IP address directly traceable to a hotel where Montoya was staying. Not even a newbie hacker would make such a rookie mistake! Anyone wanting to cover his or her tracks would use a VPN, Tor, or some other method of concealing the session's origin. Paul is more than technically knowledgeable enough to know better. So, was the "evidence" fabricated by a vengeful past employer? We don't know. Admit it.

In any event, until and unless Paul is convicted of a felony (he could well be convicted of a lesser offense or completely exonerated), your hammering on him with MULTIPLE derogatory blog posts is simply an attempt to influence the election. This is unethical, and demonstrates that you're no journalist. You're just another opinionated blogger, and readers should view your writings with this in mind.

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Hi Brett, I think you might be confused. I'm not the one alleging a crime. The police and prosecutors are. That's why the word "allegedly" appears so frequently in this story. I am informing my readers that the police have accused Montoya of a crime. I even made sure to include a whole section in this story detailing his response and his commitment to fighting this charge. No, he is not the only person in town accused of a crime. He is, however, the only candidate accused of a crime. At least to my knowledge. If you know of another candidate facing a felony charge, please let me know. I would be eager to cover that as well.

I'm not hammering anyone. I wrote one story about the candidates' positions on city issues. I wrote one story about the charges. I wrote one story about the plea. I will also write a story about this case at the next major development.

I don't know what you expect from me, Brett. You seem to get mad that I don't republish the entirety of every candidates' every public statement. You seem to get mad that I'm doing my job (attending public meetings and forums and pulling out the relevant bits so my readers don't have to sit through hours and hours of content to learn what's happening in their community). You seem mad that I cover the highly newsworthy occurrence of a candidate for office facing a felony charge.

I think you just dislike me, and that's fine, you're allowed to. But you also seem to wrap that dislike around some weak critique of my journalism. I'm just not the conniving villain you think I am. And lately, the things you've been typing have seemed completely divorced from any reasonable expectations a community member could have for their local reporter. I don't know what's going on with you, but this is just really aggressive and kind of obsessive behavior. I don't like it. It makes me uncomfortable.

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Old Brett knows how he would cover his tracks doing the crime. Brett doesn't read the tea leaves very well and is advocating for disrupting City Council as well as costing the taxpayers money.

Let me explain as Paul NEVER refutes the accusations, he just questions why anyone like him with such a wonderful wife would ever do such a thing? He is willing to fight the charges, but never denies the charges.

Paul Montoya's long saga says a great deal about how hard it is to prove a crime as multiple subpoenas were issued over the course of the investigation to obtain enough evidence to charge him. It should be hard to make a case and you know it is, which is the reason you want your renters to go to court instead of having laws get passed that would readily prove you are a crap land lord. Paging Dr. Freud as you give away your disgusting bias every time.

If the people elect Paul to office and he is convicted then there will be a protracted battle to remove him costing the taxpayers additional money we do not have. Laramie has seen its share of narcissistic elected officials cost us millions as Dave O'Malley was, is and always will be a bum.

We have a great City Council and I would implore Laramie Citizens NOT to elect the Narcissist Duo of Brett Glass and Paul Montoya.

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Well, OF COURSE I know how hackers cover their tracks. I'm a network security professional, and was the author of the very first magazine column on network security.

You, on the other hand, are just a garden variety Internet troll. And you're projecting; you're the one who's narcissistic. Best not embarrass yourself further.

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Earth to Brett. Earth to Brett. Do you even hear yourself? There is a nifty web site called LinkedIn where you can tout your expertise.

You never addressed any of my points. You were poorly educated and nurtured. Part of me wants to really analyze what happened to create you, but I have better things to do with my time.

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Again, you've proven my point. Have a great day!

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