One of the most frustrating things about this whole sports culture war is that because most people aren't knowledgeable or invested in women's sports, and trans athlete does well is notable while "trans woman is mediocre at sports" is extremely not noteworthy, when combined with pervasive misconceptions about trans people and transition it's incredibly easy to come of with the idea that we're dominating women's sports when we just aren't.

That's what makes it such an attractive topic for transphobes, the disinformation is practically automatic, so it's incredibly easy to start slipping in disinformation. Riley Gaines is on the heavier side, but the pipeline starts as easily as comparing cis men and cis women's performance as if cis men and trans women are analogous, when to my knowledge every elite trans woman athlete is *at least* undergoing hormone replacement therapy, which does literally change your secondary sex characteristics, I'd know.

There's another grain of the typically fascist weak-yet-strong thing happening there, if you listen to transphobes talking about sports you'd think medical transition does next to nothing to change our biology, but then they'll turn around and talk about the permanent and drastic changes gender affirming care brings when trying to ban it. And from the way some transphobes obsess over their testosterone levels it's hard to believe they really think feminizing HRT would have no effect on athletic performance.

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Knowing the truth will keep an individual from walking in a world of smoke and mirrors . God made them male and female . Every creative act of God is declared as good. Human declarations that fly against His Word are simply not good. True science will always prove out God for He is the ultimate designer. All other arguments are mute. Since the fall of man in the garden there is a natural propensity to move against God which means chaos, ruin, and death follow. The good news is that God knows this demise and has a perfect solution to man’s dilemma. God’s love for His creation was put on display at the crucifiction of His dear Son. He paid a debt he didn’t owe for for us-mankind who don’t deserve it. That’s grace. Only one requirement is made asked of us, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved”.

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This author is so misinformed and biased it just proves Riley's speech and beliefs to be true. Such a poorly written and l o n g article is an embarrassment for journalists without considering the misinformation.

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Whoever wrote this article is suffering from truthphobia. To say this stuff is life saving is an oxymoron when latest studies show a 30% detransition rate and 41% commit suicide within 7-10yrs AFTER surgery. So to call this life saving is not only an oxymoron but a lie. However the author is so desperate to paint false narratives bcuz that's how the WOKE crowd does things to decieve their audience. If society Really wanted to provide healthcare and show love to these people.Then they would be offering them psychological therapy to address the very issues that are causing this gender dysphoria issue. Thru Intense psychotherapy doctors have found that almost every single time, the issue of feeling a person is in the wrong body is caused by some type of trauma that occurred earlier in their life. Problem is thus Type of treatment does not bring in the type of revenue that transgender surgeries and hormones bring in plus the doctors and hospitals don't get repeat clients for life because the average transgender person spends approximately 1.3 million dollars over their life in "gender affirming care"....but it's life saving healthcare they say. What a load of lies. It's about the money. Like I said, if these people actually cared and loved these people, they would be offering them the psychotherapy they desperately need. But instead we have many states like Michigan, are banning this type of therapy calling it conversion therapy. When, in fact, when you change a person's physical looks to look like a female that's truly conversion therapy, converting them into something of an effigy of the opposite sex. But no, they don't think that's bad. They think trying to heal the person and affirm their natural biological sex is the bad thing......calling evil as good and calling good as evil. The author of this report has an agenda and its not a good one.

PS, here's the study showing 13% detransition as of 2021 and then how it jumped to 30% in 2023 yet they lie and say its only at 1% when there's 2 studies that refuse their lies



Bottom line is transgenderism isn't healthcare nor is it loving to continue butchering folks in the name of health. We need to get back to being truthful and not so truthphobic.

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