Actions speak louder than words. It's clear the governor didn't have the spine to fulfill his oath to the "equality" state and the UW president and board failed in the same way. We already knew the legislature has been bought by out of state interests like 'Honor Wyoming,' etc.

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Some news falls in the absolutely not surprising category. So the pull & push of Wyoming culture continues and apparently this is the Wyo people want.

This is what the people who were voted in decided to do with the short amount of legislative time they have available to serve the population of the state!

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And how did he serve the state? What has he accomplished? Pray tell ...

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This clown made over $200K last year - straight out of college with no real world experience. source: https://govsalaries.com/hall-zebadiah-leroy-178251230

Good riddance! Now do something about the administrative bloat everywhere else!

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