The idea that these mandates violate the Wyoming Constitution or the US one is laughable. I also think it is interesting that the people bringing the lawsuit are ones that seemingly have never had much adversity in the school setting and find it appalling that are subject to the abuse that many kids that are not blessed to fit in from the start.

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Another cohort that will help Jeff turn on the ovens. Might want to read some of the writs before you dismiss everything with your rubber gloved hand. Are you laughing? How can anyone tell with your dumb mask?? You are not fitting in with freedom Greg. You are incompatible with America values. How does that sound to you?

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Hi Emmie, thank you for commenting. What do you mean by "turn on the ovens"?

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I would imagine it is projection as Emmie seems to think the left will gas the right, when all the evidence points to the right marching the left to the gas chambers.

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Nah no projecting here. I have seen a lot of things coming from people with your mentality. And it matches the "Oh well" attitude of those who really did crank up the ovens, glad they were on the "right" side.

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Hello Emmie It is evident that those that defy masks and vaccines really have not studied what America's citizenry responsibilities are to obtain these rights.  America was founded on the principles of Common Defense and General Welfare and if one looks at most laws there is consistent evidence that these principles were inshrined to protect its citizens from foreign invaders as evidenced by the Common Defense principles.

On the General Welfare side it is apparent one has the privacy and the right to pollute one's house as well as mind (see Fox, OAN and gas lighting glenn woods of KGAB for example).  What citizens cannot do is pollute your neighbor's house either by crap or pollution.  In this pandemic, science determined that Covid was a pollutant and as such could be regulated with the best science available, which was a mask and a vaccine.  However, a group of so-called patriots defied their duties and opted not to be good citizens or neighbors and rejected the science and the founding principles of our government.

You may be too young to remember the Draft, but the Country, good ole USA, could force young men into the Army when our leadership determined that the Republic was in danger.  So even if you, as an individual, did not believe in war, you still had to go or go to jail (see Muhammed Ali).  

So America decided that there was a war declared on a virus then your duty to your country was to get a vaccine and if not stay masked until you could.  The so-called patriots that fight these mandates are truly the enemy of our founding principles and should be called out; however, when they are, they cry my rights when you have no such right to kill someone with your death breath.   I have no desire or need to call for anyone's death as science and Darwin are proving what was already known, the dumb die.  Get the shot and we go back to normal without destroying our medical system.

And get over your death chamber rhetoric as the right has shown its propensity for violence (see January 6th) in defense of LIES.  Grow up and be a good citizen or at least a good neighbor.

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Drop the pretentiousness, you appear as a coddled, mansplaining child. Just exactly what pray tell are these “America’s citizenry responsibilities” needed to obtain these rights??? I don’t think you are an American, and if you are, you surely were not educated here in the US. Every single child in America was exposed to some formal education regarding US history or 8th grade civics where we all learned “our rights are endowed by our creator”. I will not ask for your permission to be free.

I know it must feel good to make stuff up as you go along, with your “founded on principles of common defense and general welfare” but you don’t even seem to grasp just what those two things are. As it is, I am well aware of common defense as I have served in the military for 25 years and counting. I have lead hundreds of thousands of outstanding volunteer American military member, some of THE finest people in this nation, into battle and out. So, have a care when speaking about our military because I can tell you have never laced a combat boot nor toted a weapon on any watch.

Thanks for the tv guide to common television review, and I guess, your disdain on whatever channels those are. I long stopped watching television, especially the news. Learned that lesson when it was my job to escort media around, explaining things, and then stand four feet away while they did their stand up and say exactly the opposite of what they were shown. I am a witness to most of the history that you never get to hear about because of the media and their preconceived narratives. I don’t believe a single word they say. But you do you.

I can do whatever I want as a free born American woman. But the last two years has also shown me that I can also do whatever I want even though it is against the law and most common decency and get away with it, as BLM, Pantifa, and the other sad little lonely groups of people who grew up and still missed summer camp. The last two years has also provided geopbytes worth of scientific data about masks and this virus as well as interesting tidbits about all vaccinations that pharma developed over our lifetime. It has been quite an eye opener. I mean my education and experience is in Criminal Justice with a specialization in Forensics gave me a good foundation to lean on when scientists all over the world began to do their research on the virus and all the treatments available. The one thing I am sure of is that YOU need about two more boosters. That ought to give you precisely enough MRNA mutation to make you as able as your mind seems to be. And in case you are slow on the uptake pal, that isn’t a compliment.

No one is rejecting science. We are rejecting tyranny. You remember that right? I mean with your dissertation on the Draft and all, seems like you would know. I don’t see much science going into the founding principles of our COUNTRY nor our GOVERNMENT. But here is a hot tip for you- those who govern are elected. That means they serve at the pleasure of the citizens. And all you are seeing today is displeasure. You might be able to guess what comes next.

A declared war on a virus sounds about as stupid as a war on drugs. My duty to my country has been fulfilled. I vote, I exercise my rights and I actually know what those rights are. I didn’t learn about them online or from some news article, I saw them hand-written on the Bill of Rights encased for posterity at the National Archives. I felt it was wise to lay eyes on that which I was putting my own life on the line. The enemy of the founding principles aren’t people who defy mask and vaccines. They are the people who manufacture utter nonsense such as yourself in these lines: “The so-called patriots that fight these mandates are truly the enemy of our founding principles and should be called out; however, when they are, they cry my rights when you have no such right to kill someone with your death breath. I have no desire or need to call for anyone's death as science and Darwin are proving what was already known, the dumb die. Get the shot and we go back to normal without destroying our medical system. “

You are the real poison in this country, and with attitudes like that, there will be no getting back to normal. Like I said, it is apparent how gleeful you would be flipping the switches on those ovens. I am a tax paying grown up, educated, and formed in fields of fire. Do not EVER TELL ME WHAT TO DO.

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You sound in the tank for the draconian measures this government will take. You are literally the caricature of the person who turns on the ovens. Reflect on your life Jeff Victor, your story sucks as a whole, but your citation of "research shows that masks do not hinder learning" is hilarious!!! How much research have these researchers done on it?? Nobody was in class from March until end of school year and then this with Grace kicked off nearly immediately after school started this year. This is why - among an endless list of other reasons - that NOBODY BELIEVES YOU. STOP IT.

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